Snapshot: Dorothy, Colleen, and Patti
The second in a four-week series celebrating mothers and daughters

Dorothy, what are some important things your mother has taught you?
My mom has always been so kind to everyone around her, always doing thoughtful acts, writing kind words, and just being there for her friends and family. She has always been so loyal, whether it be in her friendships, her mothering, or her political beliefs. She never wavers and she sticks to her guns. In the face of any challenge, my mom has always stayed strong and persevered, which is why she is where she is today and has accomplished so much in her life.
Each day I try to live my life emulating these amazing qualities that I have learned from my mom in hopes of teaching my children to live by these qualities as well.
— Dorothy Foster
Colleen, what are some important things your mother has taught you?
One of the most important things my mother has taught me is perseverance. The definition of “perseverance” states “doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”. My mother always shared with us her commitment of 100% in everything she accomplished in life. That has been true in her political career, non-profit volunteer commitments, and in her personal relationships with family and friends. She dedicated her entire life to giving to others in every way thru her endless kindness, generosity, compassion, faith and hard work. I am grateful for all the lessons my mother has taught me and hope to share these beautiful attributes with the next generation.
— Colleen Smith
Patti, what have you learned from your daughters?
People always think of parents teaching everything to their children but forget that as our children grow up to be parents themselves, we learn as much or more from them.
Trying to be patient, understanding, and selfless are just a few things I have learned over the years from my daughters but most of all, and most important, is the true meaning of unconditional love.
Our faith, values, and love for one another will keep us together no matter how many miles we live apart.
— Patti Bellock